Niña’s Baptism | Christ the King Green Meadows

HOPE. If there’s one thing that I truly appreciate about shooting in this season, it is the presence of hope and joy in the hearts of families. Many of us have been made to stay at home for safety purposes, and well to save a life! But if we change our lenses for a little bit to focus on other angles of life in 2020, we will find life-giving moments. — Moments to be grateful for, moments to remember that blessings abound because the Lord is good. Just like welcoming our newest “tiny” friend, Niña, to the Christian world. 😉
Cara and Mike, we’ve met in a previous chapter ( Cara’s High Tea Bridal Shower). And really, it did not seem that long ago 🙂 Now, here is a post chronicling yet another chapter in their life together — having Niña.
Her Baptism was held at Christ the King Church. And although the number of guests are limited these days, the meaning of the celebration still does not change. God is in the business of answering prayers, and this shoot is just one way of honoring that His mighty presence is felt. 🙂 Enjoy the Photos!
Welcome to the Christian World Niña!

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