Therese Maternity Portrait by Photographer Lai de Guzman
Maternity Portraits

Baby Shower: Little Man’s First House Party

Little Man Baby Shower Therese Amistad photos by Lai de Guzman

It’s a boy! Carlo and Therese are expecting their “little man” really soon. To celebrate this, they put together a house party for the closest of their friends and loved ones. Along with friends Rina Camacho and Lianna Reyes, they created a fantastic theme that was translated really well into the cake, dessert and party details. Therese also shares that the DIYs were prepared and by her husband Carlo. Cool right?

We also got a chance to make some sweet portraits –  A preview of their future family. As early has her wedding day, Therese was already thinking about moments like this. She candidly remarked that when she gets pregnant she’ll definitely have a photo shoot. True to her word, we got to hang out again, this time celebrating her newest milestone yet, becoming a mom. 🙂
With fun games prepared by their friend Twinkle, every one had a pretty good time. 

Carlo and Therese would like to thank:

Amistad Family for the house

Rina and Lianna for helping to fix the details

Queensland for Catering

Lianna Reyes for the cake and desserts

Twinkle Caro: Host

Their friends and family who came to their cool party

All photos taken by yours truly 🙂



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To view another another house party, Check Out Lovelynne’s Baby Shower which was also prepared by her loved ones.




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